Parish Groups
Pastoral Council: The council meets monthly and works in close partnership with the priest to further the mission of Christ and his Church in the parish. Members are encouraged to take up active responsibilities in the parish whenever and however they are able.
Finance Committee: This committee is made up of seven members who oversee the everyday financial running of the church. The end of year statement is issued every December and is posted in the notice box in the porch of the church for the public to view.
Cemetery Committee: A committee of six people oversee the daily running of Scarden cemetery. Our registrar is contactable at any time on mobile number 086-8555847 or 086-8025093. The registrar keeps a record of all who are buried there and manages the financial business.
The committee organise annual Masses in Kilaspugbrone and Scarden cemeteries each summer.
The Rosary is also recited there by the Priest and community on a Sunday afternoon in November.
Eucharistic Ministers: We have a team of twenty one Ministers who serve on a rota basis at all Masses. The Ministers also distribute Holy Communion to the house bound.
Readers: We have a team of twenty six people to read at our Sunday masses. We also have a small group of five people to read at the daily Masses.
A team of young people also read the Prayers of the Faithful each Sunday.
Altar Servers: We have a team of twenty eight children who serve on a two week rota basis every Sunday and Holy days. They enhance the liturgy at weekend Masses and funerals. A special ceremony takes place each year with the awarding of a framed certificate to the each senior server who moves on to other ministries in our church.
Choirs The liturgy is enhanced by three choirs on a monthly rota basis at the 12.30pm Sunday Masses, on special occasions, such as Easter and Christmas and any other Parish celebration that may arise.
The Senior Choir: This choir is of long standing and provide traditional Church Music on the 1st and 5th Sundays.
The Children Choir: The Children’s Choir receives great encouragement from the national school, Scoil Asicus Noafa and can be heard on every 2nd Sunday.
The Folk Group: on the 3rd and 4th Sunday’s is also very popular.
New members are always welcome: please contact any choir member or any pastoral council representative.
Welcome team: A team of ushers serve at the 12.30pm mass each Sunday on a 3/4 week rota basis and at all Masses over Easter and Christmas.
New members always welcome. Please contact the priest or any Pastoral Council representative.
Cluster Committee: The people on this committee attend all the local Cluster Meetings and report back to the Pastoral Council.
Altar society: The altar society provides floral decoration for the church throughout the year. There are currently eighteen members in the society. The positions of chairperson / secretary and treasurer are renewed on a yearly basis, at the A.G.M., held in January. Members work in pairs on a monthly rota. They are responsible for the provisions, arrangement, and care of the flowers for their month. All members assemble for team work in preparation for Easter, Christmas, Harvest Festival or any other parish celebration that may arise.
Collectors: We have a team of people take responsibility for the offertory collection every Sunday and Holydays.
Support committee: We have a team of 20 people who clean the church throughout the year. It is cleaned weekly, on a monthly rota basis over the year. We also have a team of men who do work on the inside and outside of the church. Preparing the Resurrection Garden at Easter, the Cribs inside and outside the church at Christmas and the Tree of Hope outside the Church at Christmas which is dedicated to the twin village in South America.
Legion of Mary: A presidium of the Legion of Mary meets weekly in the church sacristy on Wednesday evenings. They carry out a precious ministry in Summerville nursing Home: visiting, praying, and giving Holy Communion to the residents there on Tuesdays. They also assist with the Eucharistic Adoration in the church.
Summerville Health Care: is a beautiful facility for the elderly sick members of the Parish and beyond. It has its own oratory and weekly mass is celebrated. Our senior choir provides an annual Carol service for those living there. There are also regular coffee mornings in aid of the local N.W.Hospic for cancer care. The sacrament of reconciliation and the anointing of the sick are also provided.
Vincent De Paul Society: Members of the St. Vincent de Paul meet on alternate Wednesdays at 8pm in the church Sacristy.
A Tree of Hope: has been erected for the past number of years to enable people to respond to the needs of some of the world’s poorest children in Monte Sinai, Peru, where a priest has been working.
Local Sports Mass: Sports are supported in the parish with an annual mass for the different clubs, i.e. Strand Celtic Club, Sligo Ruby Club, Sligo Tennis Club and all other sports clubs in the parish.
J.P.ll Awards: Some T.Y. students offer their service as readers as part of their work in this programme and their involvement locally is vital.
Youth to Lourdes: Each year the parish sponsors at least one young person for the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. Other youth attend the Faith and Light retreat with Jean Vanier in France each year.
National school: The Church works with the nearby national school in all aspects of their religion education. Named Scoil Asicus Noafa it is dedicated to our diocesan patron and is under diocesan patronage. It has recently been extensively renovated.